The Neosim old XML model description format

This document describes the XML model description format currently implemented by the XML parser for describing models. This format is incomplete and likely to change - but suffices for building models and testing the concepts.

The Big Idea behind the XML model description format is that anyone anywhere can take the XML model file, any replicate a given simulation run without having to manually reinstall software. This should work at any level, from parameter searches, network models, single cell models and channel models. Currently the Neosim parser deals with network models, where projection schemes, individual entities can be given by neosim Modules.

Although the XML files should be readable by humans, it is intended that they would be used primarily as an interchange format - modellers should not have to type XML tags by hand. Currently they do, until front ends are developed.

Table of contents :

The structure of the XML File :
How to describe a Neosim model using XML tags :
Example of an entire XML specification

The structure of the XML File

The XML model description format is made of four sections : The order of the sections must be respected.
The XML file looks like :


Header section

The Header section refers to information about the file, the simulations, as author name, file version, ...
Its tags are :

    <author> value </author>
    <email> value </email>
    <date> value </date>
    <version> value </version>
    <documentation> value </documentation>
    <references> value </references>
    <units> value </units>

The values have to be put between the tags, for example :

<author> My Name </author>

Prototypes section

The Prototypes section describes the different components of a model : entities, projections and networks.
Its tags are :

    <define-entity name="" modulename="" xmlfile=""/>
    <define-network name ="">>
         <population name="" entityname="" num="" />
	 <projection name="" srcPop="" dstPop="" type="" {+additional parameters...} >
	     <connection src="" scrPort="" dst="" dstPort="" delay="" {+additional parameters...} />


The links on the tags explain their use.

Model section

The Model section specifies which networks described in the prototypes section are used in the simulation.
Its tags are :

    <network name ="" />

This section gives the name of the network to be built by Neosim.

There can be as many network tags as you want, but each network named here has to be defined by the define-network tag of the prototypes section.

Experiment section

The Experiment section gives the parameters of the simulation run, like the run time of the simulation, and the precise location of the module files.
Its tags are :
   <module name="" location="" />
      <time value="" />
 {or }<controlmodule name="controlMod" />

See the tags' links for more explanations.

How to describe a Neosim model using XML tags

A model can be seen as a set of networks of populations of entities. Those elements of a model are defined as prototypes used in the model. Building model is first describing the prototypes, in the following order :

Define the entities

In the <prototypes> section, with the XML tag :

<define-entity name=" " modulename=" " xmlfile=" "/>

Where :

An entity is the basic element of the simulation, which sends and/or receives events from the other entities. It could be a model of a neuron for example, or a visualisation or statistics gathering user interface tool. The <define-entity> tag defines prototypes entities which can then be used in the specification of a population.

The description of the entity's characteristics (neuron cell's and behaviour description) is not actually included in the XML file, but loaded from a linked module file. That module file is a library (.jar or .lib) of Java or C++ code, whose location is to be given in the <module> tag of the <experiment> section. See the <module> tag explanation for more details.

Example :


<define-entity name="neuron" modulename="libNeuron" xmlfile="neuron.xml"/>


Define the network

A network is composed of populations and of projections. The populations are sets of entities, and the projections are sets of connections between the entities of two populations.

The definition of populations and projections of a network are made inside the <define-network> tag :

<define-network name=" " >

{define one or many populations here}

{define one or many projections here}


Where :

Define the Population

In the <prototypes> section, inside the <define-network> tag using the XML tag :

<population name="" entityname=" " type=" " num=" " xdim=" " ydim=" " zdim=" " xorig=" " yorig=" " zorig=" " xdelta=" " ydelta=" " zdelta=" "/>

Where :

The population defined can be of two types (future development will allow custom populations) which are "standard" and "Grid3D".

The populations are connected by projections of different kinds, depending on the choice of the type of population.

Examples :

// set a standard population of 10 neurons

<population name="popneuron" entityname="neuron" num="10"/>

// set a Grid3D population of 3by3by2 neurons, origin's coordinates 0 0 0, with a distance(delta) of 1 between the neurons. That type of population can be used for 1D and 2D populations as well.

<population name="pop3D" entityname="neuron" type="Grid3D" xdim="3" ydim="3" zdim="2" xorig="0" yorig="0" zorig="0" xdelta="1" ydelta="1" zdelta="1"/>

Define the Projection

In the <prototypes> section, inside the <define-network> tag using the XML tag :

<projection name="" srcPop="" dstPop="" type="" { + custom parameters... } >

{defines connections here}


Where :

Define a Standard Projection

The standard projection (type = "standard") is a set of connections , in which each connection between two entities of the populations has to be described explicitly, using the <connection> tag :

<connection src=" " scrPort="out1" dst=" " dstPort="in1" delay="" { +entity specific parameters...} />

Where :

There will be as many <connection> tags as there are connections in a standard projection.

Example of use inside a <projection> tag:

<projection name="toOthers" srcPop="neuronpop" dstPop="neuronpop" type="standard" >
<connection src="0" scrPort="out1" dst="1" dstPort="in1" delay="2" weight="2" />
<connection src="1" scrPort="out1" dst="2" dstPort="in1" delay="3" weight="2" />
<connection src="2" scrPort="out1" dst="3" dstPort="in1" delay="5" weight="2" />

Define a Custom Projection

A custom projection defined in a code module(see
"How to write a new Neosim module"). Instead of explicitly listing all the connections, such custom projections provide methods to build the connections. The <connection> tag is still needed, but only once, to specify the parameters of the "generic" connection used as a model for all the built connections.

An example is available : a projection between two 3D grids, each cell of the source grid connected to the cells belonging to a spherical area of the destination grid. The corresponding XML tag will be :

<projection name=" " srcPop=" " dstPop=" " type="jar" jarfile=" " radius=" " autoconnect=" " boundmethod=" ">
<connection scrPort="out1" dstPort="in1" delay=" " xrange=" " yrange=" " zrange=" " />

Where :

In order to use a custom projection module, the location of its code module should be defined in the <experiment> section using the <module> tag.

Example of use inside a <projection> tag:

<projection name="Sphere" srcPop="pop3D1" dstPop="pop3D2" type="jar" jarfile="ProjSphere" radius="1" autoconnect="true" boundmethod="mirror">

<connection scrPort="out1" dstPort="in1" delay="2" xrange="1" yrange="1" zrange="1" />


With the module defined in the <experiment> section as :

<module name="ProjSphere" location="file:/home/examples/projections/Proj3DSphere.jar" version="1.0" />

Example of an XML network specification

Here is an example of an entire network specification

Make instance of the Model

After the descriptions of all the prototypes needed comes the time to use them. The tag to use is:

    <network name ="" />

Where name refers to the identifier of a network as defined by the <define-network> tag of the <prototypes> section.
There could be as many networks named here as there are networks defined in the <prototypes> section.

Define the Experiment parameters

This section lets you

Define a module

In the <experiment> section, defines the module with the XML tag :

<module name=" " location=" " version="" />

Where :

In order to extend the possibilities of the XML description, some XML tags allow the definition of a linked library of code (Java or C++). These libraries (.jar or .lib) can be user-defined (see "How to write a new Neosim module" ) and can provide custom descriptions of entities, projections or simulation controls.

Example :

<module name="libNeuron" location="file:/home/examples/simpleneuron/simpleneuron.jar" version="1.0" />

Define the simulation Control parameters

The simulation can be run with several specific parameters and also monitored in several ways.
Those parameters are defined inside the control tag :

<control> ... </control>

There are currently two possibilities : to use a custom control module or to just run the simulation for a given time. The default just requires the time of the simulation, defined by the <time> tag :

<time value="" />

Where value : is the value of the simulation time in seconds.

The custom control module allows to define specific behaviour and monitoring in a code library (see "How to write a new Neosim module"). The corresponding module has to be defined in the <experiment> section using the <module> tag. In the <control> section the tag which links to that module is :

<controlmodule name="" {+ custom parameters}/>

Where name : refers to a name defined by a <module> tag.

Examples of a standard simulation control :

    <time value="10" />
Examples of a custom simulation control :

    <controlmodule name="controlMod" />

With :

<module name="controlMod" location="file:/home/examples/controls/control.jar" version="1.0" />

Example of an XML Description

<Here is an example of an entire XML Description of a Neosim simulation>